(NP (NP (the+violence/force |AlEunofi | العُنْفِ) (the+sectarian/factional |AlT~A}ifiy~i | الطّائِفِيِّ)) (SBAR (WHNP-1 (which/who/whom |Al~a*iy | الَّذِي)) (S (VP (inflict/bring_about+he/it |>awoqaEa | أَوْقَعَ) (NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*)) (NP-OBJ (QP (more/most |>akovara | أَكْثَرَ) (from |min | مِن) (NUM 700)) (casualty/dead_person/killed_person |qatiylK | قَتِيلٍ)) (PP-LOC (in |fiy | فِي) (NP (NP (state/province |wilAyapi | وِلايَةِ)) (NP (NOT_IN_LEXICON |gwjArAt | غوجارات)))) (NP-TMP (end/last |>awAxira | أَواخِرَ) (February |$ubATa | شُباطَ)))))))) العُنْفِ الطّائِفِيِّ الَّذِي أَوْقَعَ أَكْثَرَ مِن 700 قَتِيلٍ فِي وِلايَةِ غوجارات أَواخِرَ شُباطَ
ARG0: the sectarian violence">*T* ->AlEunofi AlT~A}ifiy~i
Gloss: *T* -> the sectarian violence
ARG1: >akovara min 700 qatiylK
Gloss: more than 700 victims
ARG2: fiy wilAyapi gwjArAt
Gloss: in the state of Gujarat
ARGM-TMP: >awAxira $ubATa
Gloss: last february
REL: >awoqaE